With over a decade’s worth of credits, Evan Williams has admirers from all over the world. Most recently, it was his role as “Chevalier” in Versailles, which garnered the Canadian-born actor praise from critics and fans alike.
With captivating charm and a sharp sense of humor, Williams shines both
At 15 years old, Williams began his philanthropic efforts working with a mobile medical clinic in the deep jungle of Nicaragua. It’s a passion he has been pouring his soul into ever since. In June, we caught up with Williams while he was traveling to Malawi, Africa, volunteering with an organization called, buildOn.
“I don’t plan to slow down,” Williams tells INLOVE Magazine about
Sari: How do you balance creating music and acting?
EW: I feel like music and acting utilize the same muscle. It’s storytelling, so we can come to know each other more personally and more universally. When I’m singing my heart out, it feels the same as when I lose myself in a character. The two forms complement each other. As an actor, I have to wait for the tap on the shoulder to do my job, or I’m biding my time for the next project that’s right, so during the in-between time, I can throw myself at the music. I play to soothe my soul first and foremost; to untangle the complexities of what it means to be alive. Without it, I frankly don’t know what I would do. It’s a relatively recent revelation that the world might care to be soothed by my music the way that I have been privately. I’ve been working to unearth and discard the filters that I’ve thrown up over the years to protect myself. Same goes for the acting in that respect. I want to get truer and braver. That’s really the work of any artist. It’s a journey, and underneath all the fanfare, it’s an act of love. That’s why art and activism fit together so snugly.
Sari: You have a background in musical theatre. Do you ever think about doing theatre again?
Sari: Your voice and lyrics are very soulful. Where do you get the inspiration for your songs?
EW: I don’t approach music as a puzzle to fit together or as an algorithm to hack, but as a vibrational dive into myself. Since we’re all fundamentally on the same ride here, the more personal one gets, the more universal it is. I’ve naturally developed a technique – quite by accident – where I’ll start with an instrument, some motif or movement that catches my ear or stirs me for whatever reason, and I’ll free(ly) associate a melody that grows from within the movement of the chords. Then gradually, I’ll close my mouth around vowel sounds as they crystallize organically. Maybe a word or two will pop out over time, and I’ll continue to draw the sound up and out, marrying the melody to the mood, staying open to the feelings that are arising, letting the song tell me what it wants to say. Slowly sounds grow into words, which grow into phrases, and eventually, I’ll catch the thread that my subconscious has been dangling for me. There’s always an ‘aha, so that’s what this song is about!’ moment, and it’s always exciting.
Sari: Versailles was a fantastic show. What was your favorite part about playing Chevalier?
EW: Versailles was magical to be a part of. The longer
Sari: What’s a fun fact about you that isn’t searchable on the internet? Something your IMDB page won’t tell us?
EW: For the last six years or so, I’ve regularly played live
music classes at a hot yoga studio in L.A. I sit in the back with a
guitar, a ukulele, and a couple of other little instruments from India,
and I sing and play whatever comes to me for the duration of the hot
yoga class. Sometimes originals, sometimes covers, sometimes I’ll just
open my mouth and make something up. It’s right in the sweet spot for me
artistically because it’s not a performance per se. I’m really there to
facilitate the experience of the people during their practice. At the
same time, they’re also deeply listening to themselves and the music, so
we take a journey together as the body and mind open to a deeper
experience. Reverence and resonance together. It’s magic.
Sari: Since we are INLOVE Magazine, I want to know what being “INLOVE” means to you.
EW: I’m a big fan of this question. For me, being INLOVE means LOVING OUT. Those who follow my social media have heard me talk
Williams continues to share his message of “loving out” with the world, as well as his talent. While the actor says he would be on board for a revival of Versailles – and fans eagerly await the possibility – the former Degrassi star has several other projects in the works. He’s already back in the studio, recording his follow-up to The Bright World EP. You can also catch him starring opposite Venessa Lengies [Glee] in their new Christmas movie.
“Last but not least, I’ve got a short film currently in
Published by InLovemag.